Definition of Boiled egg

1. Noun. Egg cooked briefly in the shell in gently boiling water.

Exact synonyms: Coddled Egg
Generic synonyms: Dish
Specialized synonyms: Hard-boiled Egg, Hard-cooked Egg

Definition of Boiled egg

1. Noun. An egg which has been cooked in the shell in boiling water. It can be hard-boiled or soft-boiled. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Boiled Egg

boil off
boil order
boil orders
boil over
boil smut
boil the ocean
boil up
boil wash
boiled dinner
boiled egg
boiled eggs
boiled sweet
boiler cupboard
boiler horsepower
boiler room
boiler rooms
boiler suit
boiler suits
boilermaker's deafness

Literary usage of Boiled egg

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Notes and Queries by Martim de Albuquerque (1873)
"In the first place, is it true that the skin of the white of a boiled egg has a glazed or shining appearance? Let MR. SKEAT examine the next boiled ..."

2. The Diseases of Infancy and Childhood: For the Use of Students and by Luther Emmett Holt (1897)
"A soft boiled egg »adding or junket, In small quantities as dessert with any diets. id ... A soft-boiled egg, bread and but a glasa of milk. i Meal (11 am). ..."

3. The Picayune Creole Cook Book (1922)
"They cling to the old-fashioned soft- boiled egg, the hard-boiled egg, fried egg, ... If you desire the yolk to be set also in the soft- boiled egg, ..."

4. Modern methods in nursing by Georgiana Jane Sanders (1922)
"They should be placed in water at about 175° F. and kept at that temperature for forty-five minutes. A hard-boiled egg may be chopped ..."

5. The Book of the Farm by Henry Stephens (1852)
"Let the poults be visited every 3 or 4 hours, supplied with hard-boiled egg and clean water. Let their food be removed after the poults are served, ..."

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